Creating a Secondary User Directory

Ashley Grant

Creating a Secondary Account Connector

1. To begin creating a Connector, navigate to Resources->Secondary Accounts and select the Create button.

2. Open the Type drop-down, all of the available directories are listed. In this case, we'll select Active Directory.


3. The page will update to now include the Active Directory details.


4. Set a name for the Secondary Connector. In this case, we're using a second Active Directory within the network.


5. Select the Connection tab and enter the Hostname, Domain, and username and password of a service account


6. The Filter, Group Filter and Principal Filter tabs can be used to set OU range, groups and accounts that are imported for the Secondary Connector.

7. Select the Save option.



Viewing the Secondary Accounts

1. Open the Other Actions menu option and select the Manage Accounts option from the dropdown list


2. The list of the users that can be found in the directory is displayed.



3. Selecting the Other Actions menu on this page will display the list of options that are available for the User Accounts.


4. To return back to the main LogonBox UI, click Back.