Access Manager Self Service 0.5 Released

The new release of Access Manager Self Service, Avalon 0.5, is released today. If you have Access Manager Self Service already you’ll want to get this new release we have improved on the update mechanism introduced in the previous release which means going forward updating will be so much easier. This release also resolves some key issues and adds password change to the admin accounts. Here’s a quick summary of what’s new:

Key Improvements

Administrative passwords for admin console and VM interface can now be changed strengthening security by allowing you to use your own complex passwords.
We’ve streamlined the update process; notifications of updates and installation all run from within the administration console now no need to interact with the VM interface anymore.

Bug Fixes

  • Case sensitivity on usernames has been disabled to follow Active Directory behaviour
  • Identity status information has been improved to provide more accurate status information on identities within your AD
  • Group OU details now shows correct OU information
  • Created and deleted users are now reflected in the system as part of the background reconciliation process

Downloading and Updating to Avalon 0.5

Download the new VM from the Download page here.

Beta Releases

Our beta releases are stable snapshots of our work in progress, providing an advance preview of new features and fixes but more importantly gives you the chance to raise any issues that affect you so we can get them fixed in advance of an official release.

Let Us Know What You Think

We would love to know what you think the forums are always open so feel free to drop in and give some feedback.
The Nervepoint Team
LogonBox Password Self Service