How Single Sign-On Helps To Fill Gaps Within Businesses

All businesses have a lifecycle. They are born as start-ups and over time they mature to large, stoic organizations. In short, the entrepreneurial becomes an enterprise. Despite the ebbs and flows associated with each phase of a company’s development, a universal activity is prevalent at every step of the way- finding and closing gaps. Ironically, […]

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User Benefits of a Password Manager

According to a 2014 article published by Naked Security, on average, a person has 19 passwords. What is more alarming, one in three people have weak passwords. As applications and data move to new channels, users are experiencing a proliferation of accounts and their corresponding credentials. Digitalization, the cloud, mobile technology, high-performance computing analytics and […]

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Game Changer: The Benefits of a Password Manager

In many ways, a password manager is a game-changing technology, regardless of your discipline. Many define password manager as a property of access control of multiple accounts and yet remaining as an independent software system. Essentially it is a single-key-to–the-castle approach toward authentication and access to your computer or network. With a password manager, a […]

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