Integration Point: Password Manager and Digital Transformation

Disruption is everywhere. The S&P 500, normally a bastion of stability, experienced an unprecedented 50 percent churn rate in just the past 15 years. In 1999, General Electric and Coca-Cola were at the top of the list. Today it’s Apple and Google. And look at a company like Uber, which owns no cars and predominantly […]

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Top 2 Gaps password manager Can Fill in an Organization

Businesses face unprecedented challenges. Out of all the challenges they face, two challenges resonate most throughout organizations, the need to better support human resources and the need to simplify the user experience for customer and clients. In many ways, password manager goes a long way to alleviating both challenges. Alleviate IT staff In short, password […]

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Password Manager and The Real-World of Multiple Logins

Organizations are more integrated than ever and the pace of integration is only increasing. Few sectors better represent the complexity of this intertwined integration better than finance and oil and gas. In banking, the digital bank is leading the complexity we see in network integration within this sector. Defined as banks that use technology to […]

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How Single Sign-On Helps To Fill Gaps Within Businesses

All businesses have a lifecycle. They are born as start-ups and over time they mature to large, stoic organizations. In short, the entrepreneurial becomes an enterprise. Despite the ebbs and flows associated with each phase of a company’s development, a universal activity is prevalent at every step of the way- finding and closing gaps. Ironically, […]

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User Benefits of a Password Manager

According to a 2014 article published by Naked Security, on average, a person has 19 passwords. What is more alarming, one in three people have weak passwords. As applications and data move to new channels, users are experiencing a proliferation of accounts and their corresponding credentials. Digitalization, the cloud, mobile technology, high-performance computing analytics and […]

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