Elite Without Being Elitist – Hypersocket's Global Power, Local Service

It is essential for an organisation to have a robust and feasible framework established when seeking to deliver high value service to the niche market. This is becoming easier and efficient as the industries are expanding and globalising. Businesses beginning global services means outsourcing employees as well as foreign asset that has the potential to […]

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Access Manager and Fine Grained Password Policies

In Windows Server pre Server 2008, it was only possible to have one password policy in a domain. As a result, company individuals had to use the same password policy. Nevertheless, there were a few exceptions where password policies could be made different for each department but this would require a setup of separate domains […]

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100% Support Service Satisfaction

Organizations are more integrated and globalised than ever and the pace of expansion is rapidly increasing. The ever increasing globalization of businesses can also be seen as a result of the bolstering and succeeding use of online software’s. It provides the leisure of flexibility, personal convenience and most importantly, the privilege of choosing the right […]

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Free Password Reset Self-Service: Empower Your End Users

At Hypersocket Software, we have been very clear about our vision of Access Manager. It has key attributes such as being highly virtualized, on-premise and compatible with cloud networks. All this is brilliant but we love to, and always will, put our customers first and thus we offer Access Manager FREE. This involves no charge […]

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Unlocking 3 Security Secrets to a Successful and Secure Organization

The high profile hacking cases seen from last year and the new threats having been announced during this year, security and online safety has become a significant concern for most corporations. Businesses would like to keep their data and information safe and secure, however they are afraid of the high costs that are associated with […]

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