Avalon 0.6b: Prerequisite Release

Today sees the release of Avalon 0.6b a minor but significant release of Nervepoint Access Manager 0.6. This minor release is a prerequisite release which means all subsequent releases of Nervepoint Access Manager will require this update – so be sure to upgrade!
The reason is that Nervepoint Access Manager 0.6b puts the necessary configuration in place for the 0.7 release which will replace Nervepoint Access Manager’s current database with a more robust and scalable solution.

Additional Changes

In addition 0.6b has resolved a number of important issues:

  • Faster Identity data loading – the identity page has been made much more efficient resulting in faster data loads
  • Groups with slashes are now included in group view
  • Switching of base DN no longer disables reconciliation
  • Exclamation mark is now categorised as a special character during password changes
  • Signed certificates can now be imported into the server (refer to FAQ for instructions on how to do this)

Downloading and Updating to Avalon 0.6b

For Avalon 0.5 and above installs the dashboard will alert you of new updates. Review the release information then simply confirm the update. Once the update is complete simply click the restart button shown in the update manager window.
The current version number of your instance can be found on the bottom left of the home page.
Download the new VM from the Download page here.

Beta Releases

Our beta releases are stable snapshots of our work in progress, providing an advance preview of new features and fixes but more importantly gives you the chance to raise any issues that affect you so we can get them fixed in advance of an official release.

Let Us Know What You Think

We would love to know what you think the forums are always open so feel free to drop in and give some feedback.
The Nervepoint Team
LogonBox Password Self Service