Unlocking 3 Security Secrets to a Successful and Secure Organization

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The high profile hacking cases seen from last year and the new threats having been announced during this year, security and online safety has become a significant concern for most corporations. Businesses would like to keep their data and information safe and secure, however they are afraid of the high costs that are associated with doing so.

A recent trend can be seen as Bring Your Own Device or abbreviated as BYOD. Bring Your Own Device may be primarily used by those transitioning between home and office or even those who primarily work from home. Although this maybe proving as an advantage for numerous employees and businesses, it can also be seen as an increasing concern for data protection and cyber security.

Having a secured organization can seem like a hassle, but depending on the process that you have set up, the ease of use should not only keep your business safe and secured but can help it run successfully without the worry of hidden dangers.

Secret #1 – Password Protection

A simple way to start is to ensure all your employees use strong passwords, further security within password protection could also mean changing passwords every month as well as avoiding using the same password that has been used before. Increasing the complexity results in a robust password protection. One of the new features also offered by Hypersocket’s Access Manager is the integration of the new full 360 password history allowing a full password protection.

Secret #2 – Security Notifications

What can be worse, is to having constant security notifications or not getting them at all? Sometimes, it may seem as though we get warnings about everything on our computers or smartphones, but for the IT department, these notifications are essential. They allow admins to know when something is amiss on the network or amiss with an account. This is a crucial importance as it means unauthorized entries can be stopped before they are started.

Secret #3 – Keep Up with Updates

Keeping up with updates doesn’t mean you need to buy the latest and greatest technology as soon as it’s out, but your organization must have the latest patches, fixes, and other things to ensure there are no vulnerabilities. While one password can lock out a user, it only takes one flaw in an un-updated system to bring everything crashing around you.

Security should be an important implementation to any business, but it doesn’t have to take over the business. At Hypersocket we know that you have a business to run and keep it secure, that’s why our products are structured so that you and your employees can get work done and leave the IT stuff to the IT department. The features of Access Manager, as well as those new to our recent 1.3 release, are meant to give users more control over their own security as well as alerting IT admins to suspicious activity that might be happening on the network.

Because it’s based in the cloud, your organization is secured regardless of where your employees work and can be stress-free to use BYOD, IT admins are alerted to any issues anywhere, and implementing updates is a breeze and only takes moments to do. This means less time spent on technological issues and more time for clients, customers and your business.

This Blog was brought to you by Hypersocket Software and its CEO, Lee David Painter. With over 20 years of industry experience as a pioneer in IT Security, Lee developed the world’s first OpenSource browser-based SSL VPN (SSL-Explorer). Today, Lee runs Hypersocket Software, a leader in Password Self-Service solutions.
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