Access all Areas?

Driven by a growing number of security breaches, the demand for greater mobility at work and the trend towards Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a growing area of focus for businesses across many sectors. Just how intense that focus is set to become is illustrated in […]

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Success to Having Maximum Security When it Comes to Mobility

Mobility can be challenging if it is not managed correctly. Incorporating mobility into the business strategy can effectively extend and establish the organisations potential as well as employee productivity. However, this can place excessive demands and pressure on the IT administrators, management and security team. The reason for the increased burden and pressure on the […]

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New trends – Password Manager and BYOD

A recent Gartner survey of CIOs estimates that by 2017, half of all employers will require employees to buy their own devices. When I read this statistic, the first two questions that entered by mind was: How will workers react if BYOD becomes mandatory? With strict policies on security, device choices and the growing variety […]

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