Access all Areas?

Driven by a growing number of security breaches, the demand for greater mobility at work and the trend towards Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a growing area of focus for businesses across many sectors. Just how intense that focus is set to become is illustrated in […]

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The BYOD explosion: How much of a threat do personal devices really pose to your network?

How much of a risk is BYOD to network security? No more than company-issued hardware – provided businesses follow these four essential steps says Lee Painter. We’re all familiar with BYOD dangers: data breaches exploited because of a lack of proper security protocols and encryption on devices or missed operating system updates; data leakage as […]

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Top Three Issues Cloud-Based Password Managers Face

Password managers face a daunting task. The creation and management of user access to connected devices, as well as user access and authentication into external and internal applications, databases and networks is riddled with both scalability and security challenges. Complicating the matter is the fact that user authentication and verification are the cornerstones of any […]

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Layers of Multiple Authentication

IT providers are continuously increasing the authentication intricacies of network security and offering alternative options for individuals to remain safe and secure while surfing the internet. While simultaneously, businesses are rapidly increasing their use of technology which means a greater level of security is required to shield against cyber-attacks. Most businesses around the world are […]

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