Layers of Multiple Authentication

IT providers are continuously increasing the authentication intricacies of network security and offering alternative options for individuals to remain safe and secure while surfing the internet. While simultaneously, businesses are rapidly increasing their use of technology which means a greater level of security is required to shield against cyber-attacks. Most businesses around the world are […]

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Businesses Integrating Single Sign-On

There are ample advantages of using technology for work purposes and thus, most businesses around the globe have integrated the use of technology. However, employees lament when it comes to password management, whether it is to frequently create a new password, resetting a forgotten password or dealing with one’s locked account. Nevertheless, passwords are one […]

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Active Directory Benefits and Single Sign-On

For many network administrators, resetting expired, forgotten or compromised passwords is a routine activity. It is also a tedious, time-consuming process that complicates busy schedules, cuts into worker productivity and costs companies millions of dollars per year. Moreover, when performed using the native Active Directory tools, password management can become quite a demanding activity. Password […]

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The Value of Single Sign-On Triggers

Bill Gates once famously said that the first rule of technology applied to business is that automation added to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. Automation and the ability to customize reactions to events are crucial elements to the success of technology platforms. By having these capabilities you can achieve a higher level of […]

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